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Clothing TLC

One of my core beliefs is that if you look after your clothes, they'll last so much longer. I've found, though, that most people think that "looking after my clothes" means just washing them or hanging them up properly. While these are a good place to start, there's a lot more you can do quickly and in-the-moment that will extend the life of an item.

To help clients with that, I give them a Clothing TLC Kit at the end of their appointment, one with a few tools that they likely don't have but make a difference to have on hand.

So what does it all do?

  • The shoehorn obviously helps slip on those tighter shoes, but it also keeps the backs of your shoes uncrushed and uncreased. They prefer that.

  • A defuzzer removes pills from sweaters, scarves, cardigans, and any other fabric that has that tendency. Pills make a garment look prematurely aged, and they create further wear through friction.

  • Makeup wipes are so handy for removing smudges and scuffs, especially deodorant marks. I've heard rumors that they can get lipstick off a wedding dress, but don't go and try that just for fun!

  • A Tide pen can save the day from a stain - catch it before it becomes a permanent one! Even if it doesn't come out all the way, you've got a much better chance of removing it completely when it gets washed.

  • A Snag-it pulls a snagged thread back through fabric to stop it from getting bigger or running. You can use it on sweaters, jeans, blouses, etc.

  • Keeping your shoes and handbags polished up with a shoe mitt can sometimes be all that stops you from looking put together. It only takes a moment but makes a big difference.

  • And all this fits into a tidy little pouch that you keep in your closet!

When you notice something that needs fixing, do it as soon as possible - before that hole gets bigger or the stain is permanent. I've added a few things to my own kit - nail scissors, hand lotion, a sewing kit, chapstick - to make it really useful.

I also pop it into my bag when I travel because I've met me and know I'll need it.

If you're paying attention to these small details of your items, you'll also be aware of issues that might need professional attention - a stuck zipper, a torn seam, a broken heel. Check out my style guides for local tailors and cobblers who can help you out with those tasks so you can keep wearing your favorite pieces for years to come!

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